does anybody else ever wonder why the school crossing sign shows a picture of a lady with a purse and a man carrying a briefcase?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A trust issue.
So, as I was walking out of my last class, it began to rain. This did not bother me as there had been rain forecast in the next couple days, however, in the 5 minutes I was out side that rain transitioned to sleet, to little balls of snow, and now to an all out snow storm. And yet, when I went into the library and checked my weather gadget, do you know what the forecast was? Partly cloudy. Now, it has since updated itself again, and now says snow, but is it really worth anything to me if the only weather it forecasts accurately is what happened 15 minutes ago?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ingredients: One white doughnut bag
a permanent marker
an old night light
and an intense desire not to do homework
and VIOLA!!

a permanent marker
an old night light
and an intense desire not to do homework
and VIOLA!!
isnt it cute :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Pumpkin Cookie Blitz
As I was sitting in the library, suddenly I and everyone around me was surrounded by smiling people giving us pumpkin cookies, and how is one supposed to respond to that? So I took a cookie, and just as mysteriously as they appeared, they were gone. How surreal.
Monday, September 27, 2010
ADD and the Law of Averages
I ran across the most interesting idea today, I had a buddy my mission who referred to it as ADOS (attention deficit-OH SHINY) but, if one is to apply the law of averages to the realm of thought, then shouldn't the ability to think of many things at once lead to a far greater likely hood of one of them being a stroke of genius? Now there are still a few questionable aspects to this theory (does a thought need to be taken beyond the first half of a sentence to be considered useful to society?) However, as one who is most likely suffering from a carefully shaped and entirely undiagnosed case of ADD, I like to think that it makes me more inclined to strokes of genius (and not just new ways to use rubber bands and paper clips)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Citrus burns and thoughts of Genius
To address the first issue, oranges are good, but a juicy orange may get on your fingers, and at times fingers may rub your eyes. And it burns us.
So, today as I was pondering things discussed in my classes, it occurred to me that everyone has the opportunity for thoughts of genius. (writers being one of my favorite examples because they are among the most prevalent of the recognized great thinkers) However, the great limiting factor seems to be having something to think about in the first place. No matter how much of a genius Einstein may have been, had the concept of relativity not wandered across his mind, it could never have been developed (I'm still curious what he may have been pondering in order to bring that one into existence) Or on another front entirely, Philo T Farnsworth invented the television, what gave him the idea of shooting an array or precisely aimed electrons at a phosphoressing screen. Sure, now that its been done, it doesn't seem that big, but neither does calculus (Isaac Newton goes home on a break from college and creates a new branch of math, how often does that happen?)
So what now, I know its harder to recognize these ideas as they happen, but they must still be happening. Are we too distracted to notice them? Are we so busy with TV and Facebook and all these amazing things right at our fingertips that we're missing the next Beethoven or Shakespeare, or Einstein?
And I know that this may seem haughty to some, but I would like someday to have developed my mind to the point where I can be the outlet to ideas beyond our current imagination, to put something out into the world that is so fundamental that in 2 or 5 or 20 years, people think of it as common place.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
To Carpent and other such things
Today as we were discussing hyperbolas in my calculus class we touched on the concept of the suffix -ix as used in latin, meaning "to do", such as the determinix of a parabola (the imaginary line which is the same distance at every point from the parabola as the parabola is from its focal point) which acts to determine the direction in which a parabola faces. This led to the discussion of the english equivalent, "er". For instance, a brick layer is one who lays bricks, this led me to wonder however, what does one carpent, for obviously a carpenter is one who is "to do" carpentry, which would be the act of carpenting. As of yet, it would seem my query will remain unanswered as to what has happened to the lost word "carpent"
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Its a start
School starts today, at 7:45 I was in a room full of engineers (plus a geologist, a chemist, and a physicist) discussing the value of things such as multi-variable calculus and a better definition of what limits are and their value in determining the continuity of a function. I know to most people, thats gibberish, but its what I enjoy. I think its sad sometimes the fear people show for a good calculus or physics class (I'll see about the physics for myself later this afternoon) The secret is that its all just one big grammar class, if you know what the words mean, math isnt all that bad, its just that there are a LOT of words to remember. Funnily enough, the class I'm most worried about is not the Multi-variable calculus or the mid level physics, or even the engineering programming class I start tomorrow. The class I truly fear is Family History.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Zeal of Youth
Today seemed to be a day to observe and enjoy children, in all their joy and craziness. Just to share my favorite, at the end of sacrament meeting today (church services for those not involved in the language of the LDS) We were privileged to sing the star spangled banner with a very spirited and patriotic 3 year old behind us, who was not about to let something as small as not knowing the tune or the words diminish her zeal, she even managed to hold the last not of the song for about 5 counts longer than anyone else in the congregation (including the organ). Don't you love little kids?
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Simple things in life.
Today I was pleasantly suprised to find myself whistling the theme to dark-wing duck while I was unlocking my bicycle, this struck me as an odd thing to be doing in the break between my calculus class and chemistry, but what the heck.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
the other night I had the opportunity to go to a reading, one of those things that makes you want to go home and write something inspiring, something that I could share with people. This is when the problem arises, 1 that I dont have any opportunity to share anything like that, and secondly, that people dont understand me half the time. Maybe if I start writing now...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Just for fun
so, if you want to hear something funny, look up crazy abc's by barenaked ladies, for some reason that name just looks inappropriate to me on here.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Here goes nothin
So, a quick funny story, on friday, I was hired to a job, and on Sunday, I was asked to be in charge of helping other people find jobs in church, interesting timing if I do say so myself. Other than that, todays the day, I'll see how it goes.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Just one of those days
Well, for anyone interested in a followup, it would appear that I did manage to convey my point the other day, and now have been rewarded with a new job for my efforts. If I could shout for joy in type, I would. This is an especially great thing because I am working for the college I am attending, and I am working for the woodshop (may not sound like much, but for me, its my dream job)
There was a lot of blessing in this too, I prayed about this for some time, its hard to get a job in a college town, you need flexible hours to get around your class schedule, you can only work part time, and they're always worried about you running off during the breaks. The listing for this job was up for less than 12 hours, and the only reason I knew to look for it is because I missed the one that came before (probably for the best since I know a lot more about woodworking than HVAC) And while a lot of people would view that as a pleasant coincidence, I know it isn't.
There was a lot of blessing in this too, I prayed about this for some time, its hard to get a job in a college town, you need flexible hours to get around your class schedule, you can only work part time, and they're always worried about you running off during the breaks. The listing for this job was up for less than 12 hours, and the only reason I knew to look for it is because I missed the one that came before (probably for the best since I know a lot more about woodworking than HVAC) And while a lot of people would view that as a pleasant coincidence, I know it isn't.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
You know what I mean?
I had the great pleasure today of sitting in a room with two men and trying to tell them two different things at the same time, and I can only hope I made more sense to them than I did to me. You ever try that? "I love to work with my hands and figure out new problems, oh, and I really enjoy repetitive work, where I can just go at it" because that doesn't sound conflicting at all.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Now perhaps someday, someone will find this, when hopefully I have made it something worth reading, and wonder what my title is about (and for the rest of you who never wanted to know, you should stop reading this now) it simple refers to both my preferred hand, and what happens when you twist a screw that particular direction, overall, something that I think describes me perfectly.
(aside- you'll proabably see a lot more of these, so in case you hadn't noticed, I am new to this whole blogging thing, this is my first attempt at a title (yeah I missed that little box at the top))
(aside- you'll proabably see a lot more of these, so in case you hadn't noticed, I am new to this whole blogging thing, this is my first attempt at a title (yeah I missed that little box at the top))
Now I dont suppose the average person will find this the least bit interesting, but I've been thinking about doing this for a while (and I didn't exactly feel like doing calculus or chemistry right now) and I have always thought the rest of the world should be pestered by my insights every bit as much as my wife, so I am taking a hint from my sister, lookout internet, here I come.
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