Saturday, January 14, 2012

What is this?

I discovered a lovely service of my blog today, in that it shows stats on how well my blog is being read. Now I will openly admit that I do not post often, that my posts have been varied and eclectic, and I am a bit odd overall, but I still find it a tad disappointing that since the beginning of the new year, it appears that I am the only person to have visited my blog. I will have to work on this.

In Memory of a good shirt

While it may seem odd, I wished to post this because of the unusually extended service of this shirt, which I finally had to admit to myself had passed its prime today. It was purchased for my by my older sister when I was in middle school, at that stage between child and young adult when a person is liable to make poor fashion decisions, and whether it was to prevent her own consternation or out of genuine care for a younger brother, I appreciate it, even if my fashion sense is no better now than it was then. So, after 10 plus years of good service, goodbye shirt.