Friday, September 21, 2012

For those who aren't engineers

Because I think its good to learn new things, and because I had to look it up, I have attached a link to the short brochure discussing the SI (or Systeme International, for those of you who speak french) and the equivalent units contained within. Its a quick read at 180 pages, something for the whole family to enjoy.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Waffles need love too.

Last night, our family had breakfast for dinner. We don't take this kind of thing lightly, first you start with the bacon (it greases the griddle) I like to save the grease on the side for if I need more later, and then you get the amazingness that is pancakes cooked in a pan lubricated with bacon grease. As of late, since my wife can no longer eat flour, I have been making separate batches of batter. I decided I wanted mine to be waffles, but after mixing the batter, I realized this would mean that my food would get non stick spray, while the pancakes had bacony goodness. Thankfully, I had the bacon grease and a paintbrush for food (at least thats what I call it). I painted the bacon grease onto my waffle iron, and voila, even more delicious waffles. I highly recommend it. Well, except for maybe not for those of you in my family who are allergic to bacon grease...